Glenn’s Arrival


Glenn Perkins (a good friend of mine) decided that he would come over to Spain while I was here to get away from home for a bit to have his first (7 week) holiday since he was 15 – I find this hard to believe sometimes. He has been a very successful chef for such a long time, starting out in French cuisine at a young age and working his way to running and owning his own restaurants. Now at 47 he has decided to be inspired by my leap of faith and is getting himself out from behind the hotplates and seeing another part of the world. It is truly flattering to know that he would not have been doing this if not for me.

It was nice to see Glenn just slow down for his first few days here and find himself again. I can relate to exactly where he is it reminds me of my first trip to Vanautu.

On Glenn’s first day  I managed to trek him to the highest point in Barcelona looking for the cable car to the beach and ended up walking I think every stair in the North of Spain – it was crazy but a great day and I got to see some things that I have not seen myself so that was great. We got to the top with me  claiming “it is only just up this last set of stairs” and behold I looked down and it was half was down the mountain. I totally should be a tour guide.

We have in only the week he has been here managed to try a different cuisine each night and Glenn says he is feeling bloated as well so it was a relief to me as I thought it was just me. It must be the fresh food in a way, eating a tomato will never be the same again at home unless it is home grown – the food is so fresh it has a completely different taste.

We have been doing alot of talking about life – there is alot I didn’t know about Glenn. We have also been talking about the kind of things that we both want to be doing when we get home. “Good dinners with great friends, listen to music more, play music, hang out away from the pubs, go to the beach, do more art” and many more depending on the amount of wine you have. It is good to be inspired. There is nothing against my wonderful little Portland I love it just the way it is, but we can be so far away from amazing experiences sometimes it can take a little more effort to organise great times. I look forward to coming home inspired again, and it is summer so look out good times.

Sight seeing so far – La Rambla, La Boqueria market with all the fruit you can lay your eyes on. I have become accustomed to Pineapple and Coconut fruit juice YUMMY! We went to go see Sangrada Familia but the line up was for 3 hours and “stuff that” so we will go back another day that is not a weekend to experience this sight – Park Guell was great wandering around in the sun and soaking up all the sights. The man playing the upside down WOK had the most amazing sound coming out – it was memorising.

Dinner last night was with Steve, Dani, Ryan (Steve’s friend) and Catherine (Ryan’s partner) – Ryan is also a chef and cooked up an amazing salad and I cooked Vegetable soup while we al sat around the lounge and talked about great songs of the past. It was a fantastic night I really enjoyed it. Dani has volunteered to model for me so I am looking forward to seeing what comes out of that. She is such a great person reads/understands me well we have these chats about life that I will treasure for along time to come.

I am still taking photo’s of people kissing – it is everywhere. I really like to see love.

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