Another Random Day


Sadly I have to start by saying there are no photos with this post I my prescious Laptop has had to go into be annalised as it is heating up and sounding like a jet engine and I am a little scared that it may crash. (if this happens I will have a small melt down so be ready for that)

The last week or so I have just been relaxing and reading a new book which I am getting quite into – there is a punch line I am sure of it but it will happen later in the book so I am looking forward to that. Steve and Dani reccomended it ¨Never let me go¨by Kazuo Ishiguro

A little note on Steve and Dani – I have come to really look up to them as people I like their outlook on life, they are both we smart (intellectual) people, active adventurous and to top it off really down to earth. I have many of these friends at home for sure but I think I have lucked out by having meet them. It is funny how life cna work out for you sometimes. They have made me very excited about the prospect of Uni next year and I am even thinking of taking on an Engligh litrature type subject (as it has become obvious my Engligh skills need much work ha ha) But no really they are fantastic people I enjoy my little chats with Dani each day, it´s the small things.

I have become inspored about photography again and very comfortable with what I believe my style to be and can see this growing as a passion also.

As in any extended holiday not every day is perfect I miss home, get hasseled by randoms at night sometimes (wankers) see more homeless beggers than I have ever before, miss my bed and especially my couch. Miss so many of my friends – but they are very few and far between days and I love that I am finding more of myself here each day I grow as a person.

Laurelle, cause I know you keep up to date and I love you for that it is special to see people keeping in touch. I know you are a little intimidated about your up and coming ventures but mate from personal experience you will never look back – take your dream and attach it to a star, each time you loose your way all you have to do is look up!

I am off to Madrid today and am very excited – I don´t really know what I am going for or am going to do but after one day of aprehension I went ¨Hey what are you here for?¨so bring it on – Here I come Madrid.

Gosh I can be so silly sometimes …. and I amuse myself

Matt and Niki took off today to start their next chapter in London – I am very excited for them and can´t wait to see where they end up. Meeting all of their connections and making some new friends has been fantastic  I will miss them but my budget will be greatful – to many good times. No really Mick and Sergio have been amazing taking us to all the little places they know of experiencing all the food and wine has been better than anything Lonely Planet could offer. Gotta love local knowledge. So until Niki´s Birthday in a few weeks when we´ll be partyingin London. Farewell guys it has been fantastic to experience this place with you both.

Well I better get back to doing some actual work – it is why I am here. ha

Until next time ….. Kell,

2 responses »

  1. 🙂 I’ve been patiently waiting for your next post so I can comment on this one! I read it on my phone & deleted it thinking it would come through to my computer but it didn’t!
    I’m loving your journey Kel, and thanks for your encouragement to persue my dreams…something I really really need at this point in time.
    I think your Smelkieade has some merrit too! Run with that 😉
    You know everything remains exactly the same here, I hope that helps with your homesickness.
    You’re living the dream sweet lady, such an inspiration xxx

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