The days of Barcelona


Each day here has what seems to be a different feel to it – Monday’s seem to have this crazy busy behaviour where everyone just needs to get to work, pick up their  daily food (lots and lots of Baguettes) and rush around organising for the week ahead.

Tuesday’s dont seem to have a feel to them really just another day that floats by and blends into each other day. A gap filler.

Wednesday’s the worlds starts to get motivated again and the streets are lined with people eating out, here I should actually say one thing that has stood out to me is that families not people are out and about – children run around in the squares playing soccer riding bikes running after each other, while the adults chatter about what I can only guess is life in general. It is lovely to see that all the family gets involved there doesn’t seem to be the segregation I notice at home, all activities include the children and the relationships between parent and child is something that has come to stand out to me. (More of the love)

Thursday’s are almost like a Friday but with work during the day, people are planning for the weekend and getting into the relaxed mode that I will definitely miss upon my return home to AUSSIE. It is strange but in Aus we seem to create this feeling that work is a very important part of life and a necessity to have each day “hussel and bussel” then we strive so much for time off to enjoy our time. Since I have been here there is a culture that life is to be enjoyed first and then work later – like closing down at 2pm for a long enjoyed lunch and coming back for work later, shops close from 2pm – 6pm, then eating dinner with friends and family and more enjoying of food and wine – it is custom I have come to very much enjoy and want more of when I return.

Friday’s have a certain sense of relaxation to them as everyone knows that Saturday follows. People venture out on Friday’s it has a certain liveliness to it after 9pm you can walk through the little streets of the Provence and there seems to be nothing going on then as you step into the local squares there is a hive of activity, the sound is amazing, the people are sitting in restaurants or on the ground of the square talking about their weeks and lives, children are running around playing, there is food and wine being consumed by all, music on every corner and an atmosphere that you can just sit, feel and watch.

Saturday well Saturday is to do what ever you want with – enjoy sights, cook a great meal, see friends watch the world go by, eat out, see a show..the possibilities are endless on Saturdays. Even visits to Magic Fountains!

Then there is Sunday – It is a day I enjoy for several reasons – it feels as though the world stops, everything is put on hold the streets are quite except for a random few that venture out. Relaxation is the theme on Sunday’s and everybody gets on board. I like that this is the day that inspires me the most to be artistic for some reason I really get a feeling on Sunday’s that consumes me. Another day I want to bring home with me.

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