Sitches Weekend


Last weekend Glenn and I went to Sitches just a twenty minute drive from Barcelona. I have heard a few things about Sitches but it was a place that for the first time I had really felt as though I was really in the Mediterranean. It was a beautiful place to spend the weekend it did make me a little home sick as it was on the beach and although it was not Portland it did remind me of how lucky were are to have access to the beaches and coast line. We walked about and saw all the sights along the beach, we ate lunch at this cafe where we all had something very Spanish or as my friend Enric calls it “Catalan Cuisine” Paella, Fidiua, and black rice was shared amongst us all – I had never had black rice and I have to say it was a bit weird to eat but it did taste very nice. See pictures below of my trying ha ha.

More sights after a 3 course feed where Glen discovered why I am saying I can’t help eating so much − lunch in Spain is a 3 course meal inclusive of dessert and coffees ect.. then dinner is generally a smaller meal at about 9pm. So none the less this is my trying to explain why I will come home a whole size larger and now Glenn is starting to understand.

See apartment we stayed in – it  is nice to have friends here that are generally lovely and want to show you around makes the stay so much better

We all went to the supermarket and obviously gathered groceries which was good fun. Then Glenn cooked up another wonderful meal of Salmon, salad and sweet potatoes (which Enric found strange as in Catalan they have them as a dessert) dinner was on the terrace at Enrics apartment overlooking the town and listening to the waves crashing while talking about anything and everything eating and drinking. It was good to talk to Enric as I knew after our chat that I had made the right decision to cut my internship short (long story but lets just say it has been a challenge and one I am happy to move on from but one that will always be remembered and treasured that I am sure will be benefit me from here on)

Back to Sitches – At about 12:30pm we ventured out to see the night life an as much as I am going to say here was that I had an amazing time out and an eye opening experience. WOW I have lived a sheltered life until now ! Good times!

The next day was enjoying the sunshine and getting a small tan on the decking, Enric made us breakfast one in which I have never tried before but have come to enjoy very much, fresh orange juice with bran cereal – Yummy and good for you. Then out late for Italian food and walking through more of the sights along the cliff this time and what a wonderful day. We ended up at this apartment building on the edge of the cliff that was white and watched the sunset over the ocean and as I said earlier – I truly knew I was in the Mediterranean then.  Pictures say it all -enjoy.

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