How do people become…them


A deep one for today.

I went to bed last night feeling a little lost and home sick seemed to me that the only one that answered my calls was my Mum. Then as I slept a strange dream happened that reminded me of all the moments where comments from facebook, messages from people that I least expect and phone calls have occured. You forget sometimes being so far away and feel a little alone of the people that really think of you always – I miss them.

SO, Today I started my day with a few tears not of sadness but of how you can loose yourself some days in the small things, that really in the big scheme of the world mean nothing. My changing point believe it or not was after I decided to break out of my comotisim of selfishness and venture out for a morning, I sat in a little cafe with my ¨Kafe con letche, and baguette tortilla patata¨ pondering the world and my place in it. I was watching this older lady beside me order her I assume regular daily baguettes and sit down to a coke a cola and baguette, her hands were shaking as she poured and ate and strangly in that moment I had an opfinony of sorts. Of how lucky I really am to be me and to be here and young to live life as I can and how I really was in Spain experiencing some of the most amazing experiences I have ever before in life.

I began to wonder back to my apartment and the man I see everyday playing the clarinet was sitting on his regular corner playing tunes that consume the streets with music. I stopped to absorb the sound travelling down the long road to home and the eccos caught me – ¨üno momento¨ I called to him I raced back to my apartment to gather my camera gear with inspiration. After 5 Euros I took some images that are by far not my best but made me feel great.

As I wandered down the street s following the locals participating in their regular Sunday activities I pondered a few deep things about life. How do people become who they are? What makes them, them. What experiences have they been through to create the person they have come to be today? I can tell you what has made me who I am and sculpted me as a person, but I always as I look through to people in the lens of my camera wonder ¨How do people become, them¨ This thought keeps me wanting to take many more images of people see into their eyes and keep me wondering.

I know that my passion is for people and that my skill in photography is seeing a little about a person and wanting to show that through my images. I am each day finding out more about who I am and I like it.

One response »

  1. I’m loving your internal journey Kel & the fact you are sharing your thoughts & feelings as you go. Thank-you beautiful lady xxx

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