A day in the life of Kelly


“A pre apology to grammer ans spelling mistakes – I have limited time on line to perfect these things”

So each day I get up at about 8:30-9 ish depending on how I feel. (I am loving the late starts – see people we can have a relaxed work day) then I head downstairs to the Bakery below our apartment and get what I am finding is my favourite breakfast food – A Custard Croissant ! Yum Yum

Then I walk about 15 minutes to the metro station listening to any random music on my IPod. I get to work at about 10am and work pretty hard to get all the things done needing doing, until 2pm when the office closes and my fellow work colleagues and I go down to Eric’s Cafe, which is a little local place that only the locals seem to know about and we then enjoy a 3 course feed that each day changes. Eric and his wife are made Soccer fans and  the place is riddled with photo’s of them with ever named player there seems to have ever been (massive exaggeration) but it is pretty cool. Each day we have lunch they try to teach me a little SPanish and I try to teach them a little English it is turning out to be a great venture and I enjoy the company. Lunch costs $11.90 and you do not need to eat dinner after that – however I seem to fit it in.LOL

We say our Adios’ or Hasta Mananyas and I am off again with my trusty IPod to the metro station. The walk home seems to give me more pleasure than the morning walk maybe because I get to take my time and soak up all that is around me. The little homeless lady is there in the mornings and in the afternoons I almost find it comforting to see her each day – I wonder where she is when she isn’t there.

I respect those travellers that want to see as much of a place as possible in the shortest period of time but I have come to know that I know what make me happy and I am content with that. On this note I will say that I love to travel and experience new things but I have definitely decided that I am happy to just immerse  myself in one place and feel every part of it. Each day I experience a new thing or see something I haven’t before that give me a great big smile.

The walk home has bought me many different sights and people and places, I seem to have not yet master the very large Metro station I come out of and exit in a different street each time, at first it annoyed me but I now get to see a new area each day. From the metro I walk 15 minutes to home, walking through the little street a different way day and always end up coming into the market square near my house that comes alive with energy of people having their lunches and children playing Soccor in the middle below this massive Clock tower. As you walk around the corner there is a butcher, a bar, a gelati shop, a bakery and all the smells and sounds along with my IPod just make me smile and bounce along enjoying each moment. There are people in love here everywhere you can’t help but notice it – I love it – there should be more love in the world.

Afte I drop my backpack off home I head back down to the market and grab a few things for dinner SO CHEAP and so fresh amazing a feast can be cooked for 3 on $15, the new foods I have never experienced, colours, smells and freshness is all you really need I am eating like a hose (observed by the guys at work – “you eat a lot for a girl” is a comment I hear each day) then down to the bakery again and just on the corner below the apartment is a Bodega and the wine there is approx $4 per bottle form 2007 of local produced wines that seriously S$&T all over anything I have had at home – Except Henshky Jamie!

Relaxing on the terrace after work soaking up the sun and sounds is a great way to wind down before you cook up a feast and enjoy that. I have been getting into reading photography books and watching some podcast that I have been meaning to do for so long it is crazy – thanks Ian for the copies they have been inspiring. I hope to produce some beautiful shots from the learnings and inspirations I have gained.

The apartment is a good size, it has the smallest and weirdest quirky bathroom you have to sit sideways to go to the toilet, but the kitchen lounge, terrace and my room are just perfect. I really feel at home living with Steve and Danielle (Canadians her for 18 months) they are very cool people with a great outlook on life – they are both very smart people I really enjoy just sitting and talking about the world and people, religion (yes people religion) stimulating conversation over wine and food with good people. We have no TV and I really like that – no brain numbing. (Although I do love my brain numbing as you all know – will have a dose of Sex in the city when I return for sure)

I seem to be having enough time to reflect on a few things about my life and have the time to think about who I am as a person. It has been fantastic t have that chance and there is much more time to go so watch this space….LOL Wow that was a bit deep back to the fun stuff.

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3 responses »

  1. Thanks Ian – If you click on the link above you will see on Google Maps where the clock tower is near my home. crossing the square you can walk the path to my house. Love it !!

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