The London Leg


The first leg of my journey away lead me to London for 2 days to see some of the sights and catch up with a great friend I went to school with, I haven’t seen in 8 years Jodie.

Upon recovering from my first experience of jet lag I ventured out into what felt like a game of Monopoly – Trafalgar Square, Strand Avenue, Piccadilly, Waterloo and more.. However I couldn’t seem to find the GO square to collect my $200 dollars. LOL

London has amazing architecture it felt like walking through Melbourne I was at home in some way, the difference was the buildings were so much older and much more beautiful. Breathtaking in their own right.

I had to go and have my picture in front of Westminster – where Kate and Wills got hitched it looked smaller than I thought it would be. So many tourists but I loved walking through St James park with the squirrels, pigeons and people – for some reason when I got to Buckingham palace there was what seemed to be a parade, I think it was the changing of the guards but I love it – perfect timing.


Catching up with Jodie was so great – I had my first Pimms and I think I am on to something now. Jodie took me around where she lived in Hampton and through the bushy gardens where I saw my first deer, I thought they looked like dead trees when in the long grass. I found a house I could have made my own but I expect that it is not in my price range.

Stay tuned for arrival to Barcelona.

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